Angela Davis once said, “I am no longer accepting the things that I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” For me, this perfectly sums up why I started The Safety Standard.

My husband and I are parents to three gorgeous girls, aged three, five, and seven. They are all such happy kids. We have one who loves to dance, one who wants to be an astronaut, and one who is happy as long as she has a purse and the shoes to go with it!

Any time there is a school shooting, my heart breaks for those involved. This is what drove me to find a way to protect everyone within a school. What I felt would keep my children, and those taking care of them at school safer, was if they all had something to provide some level of protection during a gun-related incident. When I started looking into things like bullet-resistant backpacks and bullet-resistant jackets for my children, I quickly realized that the price point for these items would make them inaccessible for most households. This made me question why, after all this time, these were not standard items which were easily accessible to all. Once I started questioning this, I became more drawn to the idea of having these items available to everyone, and The Safety Standard was born.

Our goal is to provide personal safety equipment to all students and school personnel within participating schools. If these items could save the life of even one person, then, as Ms. Davis said, I have helped to create a change in something which I could not accept.

Kylie Becker

Rachel Soliday

My name is Rachel Soliday. My husband and I have been married since 2016 and have welcomed two beautiful children into the world. Joel is 4 and wants to be Hulk when he grows up. Olivia is 10-months and loves to move. I have a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership. I have my K-8th grade principal’s certification as well. When Kylie Reached out to me with her ideal for The Safety Standard, I knew I needed to be part of this journey. Being a teacher, I wear a lot of hats: educator, school-mom, counselor, nurse, mediator, etc. To think that one of the hats I have to wear is “safety-captain” is a job that I am willing to take on, but one that I wish teachers never had to wear. The Safety Standard will ease some of that burden in the classroom.

Katie Martin

Hi, my name is Katie Martin. I’ve spent most of my career in the corporate world doing marketing. I spend my free time with my husband, our 2-year old, my two step-kids, and our two dogs! I discovered The Safety Standard on Instagram and their purpose of protecting our kids and teachers safe at school in a non-political way really resonated with me. As Kylie and I messaged back and forth, I realized how much I wanted to be involved in this journey, so here I am!