June Fundraiser!

Thank you!

We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to support us on June 9th, 2023. Your support helped us in raising $22.03 towards our cause!

There are so many great things that June represents, and one of those many things is safety! Did you know that June was national safety month? Well now that you do, what better time to come out and support The Safety Standard, a non-profit organization committed to providing bullet-resistant backpacks and/or jackets to all individuals who feel a need for such items within participating schools.

On June 9th, The Safety Standard is having a fundraiser with Panda Express at: 11996 South Strand Line Road, Olathe KS, 66062. Please stop in for some great food, and say that you are there to help support The Safety Standard!

Also, if you bring and turn in a piece of paper with your name, address, email, phone number, and preferred contact method : mail / email / call / txt you will be entered for a chance to win a prize!!



Finalize Prototype for Bullet-Resistant Backpacks


May Fundraiser!